Youth Ministry

6th - 12th grade

  • Sunday Morning Youth Class

    All 6th grade students through high school students are invited to attend the weekly Sunday morning Youth Class meeting from 9:45am-10:45am, upstairs in Room 208. Led by DCE Tim Kaufmann, each week, the students will dig into the Bible and discuss a variety of issues. All middle school and high school student are invited!

  • Middle School Youth Group & Confirmation

    All 6th-8th grade students are invited to Middle School Youth Group. We meet two Sundays a month from 4:30pm-6:00pm at the church during the school year. Students will enjoy time for games, food, and fun to start our time together. Confirmation instruction is a part of our Middle School Youth Group. The 6th and 7th grade youth will learn from DCE Tim Kaufmann and 8th grade youth will meet with Pastor Matt. Click here for more details about Confirmation at Friendship Celebration.

  • High school Youth Group

    High school youth group kicks off a new school year on Sunday, September 8. We'll meet from 6 pm-8 pm at the church. We'll enjoy pizza, games, and look at a short film entitled, "Zero to Sixty" and discuss it afterwards in small groups. Add some "fuel" to your week and join us each Sunday from 6 pm-8 pm!

Middle School Parent/youth orientation

All students in 6th-8th grade and their parents are invited to attend the Middle School Parent/Student Orientation on Sunday, September 15 to learn more about Confirmation and our Middle School Student Ministry. Pastor Matt and DCE Tim Kaufmann will share about this year's schedule including special events happening throughout the year. Parents, find out how you can be involved, too! The meeting starts at 4:30 pm at the church and will end at 6 pm. If you have questions, please contact DCE Tim Kaufmann.


All present 8th-grade and high school students and their parents are asked to attend a very important 2025 Youth Gathering Information Meeting on Sunday, September 29. The meeting will start at 6 pm in the church sanctuary (immediately after Middle School Youth Group.) At the meeting, DCE Tim Kaufmann will share all the details about registering for next summer's Youth Gathering in New Orleans. Parents will learn about the costs and deadlines to attend next year's trip. Students will learn why they don't want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime event. It's also the perfect place to ask questions and learn more. Contact DCE Tim Kaufmann if you have questions about next year's Youth Gathering.

Summer Mission Trips

During the summer, high school students can attend a week-long mission trip to share the Good News of Jesus through word and action. What is a mission trip? It is when you devote a time of your life to serving others in the name of Jesus Christ It is an opportunity for students to move out of their comfort zone and serve others in need. They will work as a team and meet others who have a heart for serving others. The mission trip experience begins at registration and includes "Prep" Meetings before the trip begins. Our high school youth have served in Phoenix and Orange County (CA) in the past two summers. No mission trip is held during a Youth Gathering year.